Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Become a Real Expert at Upcoming "BeerSavvy Bootcamp"

Certified Cicerone Annette May drops some knowledge.

Sure, you can name all your favorite "dank" hops. You've memorized all the double IPAs and imperial stouts on the Internet's "best beers" lists. You know which #whalezbro brews to trade for which other #whalezbro brews. You have a beer cellar. Hell, you've even authored more than a thousand reviews on the rating sites. Why, you're a beer expert!

Are you?

Do you know the six core beer styles that form the foundation for the many others?

Can you detect – and name – the most common off-flavors found in beer?

Do you know what their causes are?

Do you understand proper service techniques for both bottle and draft beer?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you may want to check out the "BeerSavvy Bootcamp" class being offered Tuesday, January 24, at Liberty Street Brewing in Plymouth. The class is designed to prepare participants for the Certified Beer Server exam, the first level of certification offered by the Cicerone Certification Program.

Tickets are $99 and include the class and a study book, but not the cost of the CBS exam itself. Of course, you're not required to take the exam; anyone who is looking to boost their beer IQ is welcome. Learn more and register online here.

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